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Bounded Rationality under Analysis of Relative Priorities on Multi-cultural Policy  

Jung, Seok-Hwan (배재대학교 서재필대학 행정학과)
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The purpose of this study is to develop an AHP model to evaluate the relative importance and priorities of multi-cultural policies under bounded Rationality. The results of the study are as follows. First, in the evaluation elements for each measurement area, the following are the stable social settlement support policy (1rank), social capability development policy of multi-cultural family second generation (2rank), socio-economic activity policy (3rank), collaborative governance policy enforcement(4rank). Second, the priority of the measurement element is as follows. social settlement service target expansion policy was proved to be the top priority project stable social settlement support policy aspect and social capacity development policies of the second generation of multi-cultural families, social support policy was most important evaluated. Active economic activity support policy was as the top priority project socio-economic activity policy, and construct cooperation system of policy practice main agents was proved to be the top priority collaborative governance policy enforcement. These results will contribute to explain the reality of multi-cultural policy.
Bounded Rationality; Multi-cultural Policy; Policy Priorities; Social Support Policy; Policy Corporation System;
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  • Reference
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