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Effects of Strategy Instruction in English Language Teaching: A Meta-analysis  

Lee, Je-Young (전주대학교 영어교육과)
Publication Information
The objective of this present study was to investigate the overall effects of strategy instruction on Korean students' English language learning. In order to do so, 55 individual experimental results in 46 journal articles were collected, and a meta-analysis was carried out to them. This study also analyzed the results of studies on strategy instruction according to various variables such as school types, treatment periods, and types of dependent variable. The mean effect size of strategy instruction in English language teaching is .536, which means the medium effects in general. No statistically significant differences were found among various moderators and dependent variables. Based on these results, suggestions for further research are discussed.
Strategy Instruction; Strategy-Based Instruction; Learning Strategies; Meta-Analysis; Research Synthesis;
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  • Reference
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