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Character Analysis Method based on the Value Type of the Human  

Song, Minho (홍익대학교 국어국문학과)
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This study is to suggest a new method of analyzing personality types of characters in narrative. First, we examined the history of the taxonomy of character types that existed in narrative theories so far. Until now, the classification of character types in narrative theory consisted largely of a formal classification based on roles in narrative, a content classification based on human internal qualities, and a complementary classification in which the two classification criteria are united. The problem with the existing character classification type is difficult to categorize it in spite of the usefulness of the content classification based on human internal qualities. On the other hand, the classification based on the role of the character in the narrative does not help as much as a practical analysis methodology because the classification is formal. In this study, we try to solve this problem by introducing Shalom Schwartz's human value type, and to make human character's value type and human role correlated with each other as a new character analysis methodology. Schwartz's study of value type is a very effective method to grasp the motivation of human behavior, and it seems to be very meaningful in analyzing the directivity of characters.
Character Analysis; Value Type; Motivation; Narrative;
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  • Reference
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