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Understanding Global Citizenship Education as Critical Pedagogy  

Hur, Changsoo (충남대학교 교육학과)
Publication Information
Scholars suggests global citizenship education(GCE) as an important direction for the future education. Although many academic discussions have been internationally going on, the studies in Korea are still on the beginning stage. Thus, it is asserted that studies for GCE should be proceeded more actively and widely, especially for a theoretical background because it might give a concrete direction for GCE. In the international trend, studies suggest that GCE should be discussed among post-modernism, post-colonialism, and critical theory as theoretical framework. So, this study purports to find a theoretical framework which represents those three. It is critical pedagogy (CP) which also includes educational values for GCE. The reason is because CP tries to achieve emancipation in terms of consciousness, reason and rationality through educational praxis and it should be a background for GCE in terns of current situation in the world. Therefore, this study asserts and tries to prove that CP is currently at the center of theoretical backgrounds for GCE.
Global Citizenship; Cosmopolitanism; Global Citizenship Education; Critical Pedagogy; Critical Theory; Post-modernism; Post-colonialism;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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