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Narrative Analysis of a TV Documentary on Early Childhood English Education Fever: Focus on the Coverage of  

Shim, Woo Jin (중앙대학교 영어영문학과)
Shin, Dongil (중앙대학교 영어영문학과)
Publication Information
This study analyzed the TV documentary titled on early childhood English education through narrative structure analysis (Chatman, 2003). It performed syntagmatic analysis to clarify the story structure with a focus on the development of events, and paradigmatic analysis to understand the semantic structure hidden in the text by binary opposition analysis. The documentary was constructed in the frame of 'balance-confusion-rebalance', and it was explicitly delivered that the English immersion education prohibited in the private elementary schools has stimulated the market of private English education. However, the government's and students' voices were missing, and the group of parents, private elementary school officials, and people involved in private English institutes played as main agents to lead the discourse of English immersion and early childhood English education in the documentary.
Early Childhood English Education; Current-Affairs Documentaries; Narrative Analysis; Syntagmatic Analysis; Paradigmatic Analysis;
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