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The Structure of Feelings of Chinese Society in the 2000s Seen in Main Theme Spy TV Series  

Fang, Dongguang (충남대학교 언론정보학과)
Publication Information
This thesis discusses the emerging system of value and structure of feeling in today's Chinese society through analyzing Chinese main theme TV series. The 2000s' Chinese main theme TV series represents Chinese's anger and nervousness into the structure of narrative, and they try to form a bond of sympathy with the audience by various characters which represent the common people. Main characters are no longer revolutionists who internalize ideas of socialism and collectivism, but they put emphasis on individuals' thoughts, tastes, and values, and freely express them. Individualism, which was negatively represented and excluded in main theme TV series before 2000s, are compromised and included in today's Chinese dramas. Even though dramas represent the superiority of communism, individuals' choice of various value and faith is positively and flexibly considered. There is a new phenomenon where female figures are no longer passive and dependent, but they are portrayed with given with unique roles and status. Although main theme TV series are directed under the state and government's supervision, they exist in the relation where market, state, drama text, and audience interact.
Main Theme TV Series; Spy Drama; Structure of Feeling; Post-80s Generation; Migrant Workers;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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