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A Survey on Middle School Teachers' Perception of Character Education  

Yoon, Ok-Han (국민대학교 사회과학대학 교육학과)
Lee, Kyeung-Ran (국민대학교 사회과학대학 교육학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to analyze the perception of middle school teachers of character education and to suggest implications for middle school character education. A total of 161 middle school teachers in Korea were surveyed and their responses were analyzed by frequency analysis and descriptive statistical analysis on the approach to character education, problem of character education, general view on character education, constituent of character education program, and teaching and learning method, First, character education was intended to be carried out through life instruction and subject education. Second, the problem of character education is that it is not carried out properly because senior school is given priority. Third, the overall view of character education is becoming more and more problematic for the personality development of students. Fourth, character components to be taught in character education program are consideration, manners, self-control, and responsibility. Fifth, the teaching and learning methods for character education were ranked in order of reflection, mutual learning, experiential activities, and student centering. Sixth, the proper period of the character education program should be continuous throughout school life with consent for continuous and repetitive education. Based on this, it is suggested that it is more important to consider how to organize character education for guidance throughout life and for curriculum than to develop it as one time program.
Character; Character Education; Character Education Program; Character Education Problem;
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연도 인용수 순위
  • Reference
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