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A Study on Pre-school Teachers' Perception of 7 Guidelines of Safety Education: Using IPA Methodology  

Kang, Min-Jung (목원대학교 유아교육과)
Han, Sun-Ah (목원대학교 유아교육과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the difference between the importance perceived by pre-school teachers and their actual performance in regards to the 7 Guidelines of Safety Education set out by the Ministry of Education, and through the analysis, to identify the items that need priority support and those that need long-term improvement efforts for exemplary safety education for young children. For this, mean average and standard deviation were calculated and paired sample t-test conducted, and IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis) matrix method was performed to analyze the priority and long-term support items and improvement needs. The study results show differences in all areas and all items in the 7 Guidelines of Safety Education by the MoE in the pre-school teachers' perceived importance and actual performance. Areas and items that are identified to be in need of priority support for exemplary safety education in pre-schools; 2 items under 'Violence and Personal Safety' area and I item under 'Substance and Internet Addictions' area. Areas and items that are identified to be in need of long-term improvement efforts are; 6 items under 'First Aid and Emergency Treatment' area, 1 item under 'Violence and Personal Safety' area, 3 items under 'Workplace Safety Culture' area, 3 items under 'Substance and Internet Addictions' area and 1 item under 'Disaster and Safety' area.
Guidelines of Pre-School Safety Education; Importance; Performance;
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  • Reference
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