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Presentation of Grammar Items in Korean Coursebooks for Beginner Level  

Park, Eun-Ha (대구대학교 국어국문학과)
Publication Information
This study aims to research the indication way and contents description of grammar presented in Korean textbooks. Therefore we examine the common elements of grammar in four Korean textbooks and the transcription, notation methods and meaning descriptions the books use to present grammar items. After analyzing Korean textbooks for the beginner level, we found just 20 similar items among a total of 100-150 grammar items. Advanced researches required to examine the selection and classification of grammatical items in Korean education. The results show that it used as the same name "grammar" expressed in Korean textbooks compared to using different names in the past. We consider that just 20 grammar items are the same because the range of grammar items in every textbook is different including vocabulary, sentences etc. The study found that grammar items are expressed differently in the type of indication way, order of arrangement, and marks. We suggest that it is better to indicate the style of representation used in grammar items because an additional problem such as type of indication way, order of arrangement is removed by doing so. The study also found grammar items are expressed differently in the meaning description and grammar range of explanation of Korean textbooks. This study suggests that morphological information, restriction information and meaning should be described at a basic level. This study allows us to consider the indication way and contents description of grammar are presented in Korean textbooks.
Korean Coursebooks; Grammar Items; Presentation of Grammar; Contents Description; Indication Way;
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연도 인용수 순위
  • Reference
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