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Medical Care Utilization between National Health Insurance and Medical Assistance in Elderly Patients  

Lee, Yong-Jae (호서대 사회복지학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference of medical care between medical assistance and health insurance patients to evaluate the increase of medical care costs due to the moral hazard of medical care patients and to provide a basis for rational medical care policy decision. For this purpose, we compared health insurance benefit data for Seoul citizens by gender, age, and type of medical institutions. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, all of the hospitalized and outpatient use of the advanced general Hospitals, medical assistance patients were less than those of the health insurance patients, so that the medical assistance patients could not use the high cost medical services. Second, in general hospitals, patients with health insurance are often hospitalized. On the other hand, medical assistance patients use a lot of outpatient services because they are less burdened. Third, in hospitals and clinics, medical benefits patients often use inpatient and outpatient services. Therefore, medical assistance patients are likely to use unnecessary medical care of outpatient and hospitalization clinics and hospitals, outpatient of general hospitals. But, in hospitalization and outpatient use in advanced general hospitals and medical assistance patients can not use due to excessive medical burden. Therefore, the policy to reduce the burden of medical expenses for patients with severe illness will continue, and the medical care patients using clinics and hospitals should be careful not to use unnecessary medical services.
National Health Insurance; Medical Assistance; Medical Service Utilization; Moral Hazard;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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