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A Study on the Effect of Customer Satisfaction Factors of Small Sized Housing, by Demographic Customer Group  

Joung, Yun-Taek (서울벤처대학원대학교 부동산학과)
Kim, Jae-Tae (서울벤처대학원대학교 부동산학과)
Kim, Jong-Won (서원대학교 경영대학)
Publication Information
This study analyzes the effects of residential satisfaction factors of small sized housing, according to the costumer groups based demographic aspects. To attain the goal of this study, we set 8 groups (male and female : 2 groups, ages : 3 group, marriage : 2 groups, including whole group : 1) and selected 6 independent variables such as the social factor, economic factor, accessibility factor. external comfort factor, physical factor, and convenience of living factor. As a result, it is found that the economic factor has the statically significant determinant in all the 8 groups, with big positive coefficient. And the convenience of living factor is another important significant determinant in 6 groups. But the physical factor shows low the significant influence or insignificant influence in the all groups. Other factors, such as the external comfort factor, the social factor, accessibility factor. and convenience factor, are different depending on the groups.
Small Sized Housing; Residential Satisfaction Factor; Demographic Factor; Customer Group;
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  • Reference
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