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Face of the Other and Practice of Love: on the Movie  

Kim, Mi Hye (동국대학교 경주캠퍼스 파라미타 칼리지)
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In contemporary philosophy, the thinking subject became the dis-constructed subject and there was not left any one center in thinking. On the contrary of this trend, the philosopher Levinas stresses 'an ethics of Otherness' that requires the subject to be responsible for the Other. For Levinas, the Other is not knowable and cannot be made into an object of the self. For Levinas, the irreducible relation, the epiphany, of the face-to-face, the encounter with another, is a privileged phenomenon in which the other person's proximity and distance are both strongly felt. The face of the Other comes toward me with its infinite moral demands while emerging out of the trace. In the movie , when Sachie encounters them, she greets them. She provides them with food and shelter to protect from the dangers of elements. With the help of Sachia, the restaurant becomes a peaceful communal place for her and the Other.
Levinas; The Other; Jouissance; Face; Existents;
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  • Reference
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