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A Study about the Storytelling of Documentary on Virtual Reality Platform  

Lee, Young-Soo (단국대학교 영화콘텐츠전문대학원)
Publication Information
This paper tried to study how the narrative to allow the audience to emotionally immerse in documentary using virtual reality platform has shown. For this purpose, it defined the VR documentary as contents what make creative approach and rebuild reality using VR media platform, and analyzed it by comparison with narrative of existing documentary. First, the contents like succeeding journey documentary use mainly virtual realty as experience of accessibility. However the contents that have purpose to experience other people's reality show from self-narrative of first person documentary to interactive storytelling of web interactive documentary. The case of interactive VR documentary is taking a step forward from web documentary and shows easy way to reach internal purpose of documentary as making experience with virtual self. The VR documentary has a lot of possibility as virtual space experience to give accessibility and virtual self.
Virtual Reality; VR Documentary; Accessibility; Interactive Documentary; Visual Narrative on VR;
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  • Reference
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