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The Influence that Correlates between Festival Programs and the Themes on the Festival Evaluations -Through the Case of the Representative Festivals of Seoul Metropolitan Borough-  

Yun, Seong-Jin (전남대학교 문화학과)
Kim, Kyoung-Soo (전남대학교 문화전문대학원)
Publication Information
In this study, we have investigated the relationship between festivals evaluation and the theme of festivals programs by using 'AHP survey of experts' on two festivals in each highest and lowest evaluated festivals. As a result, the musical performance of the opening ceremony of Hwajun Festival, the experimental village program of hansung bakjae festival, the street parade of Itaewon and the prehistoric street parade of Gandong cultural festival were found to have the highest relations with the themes. The result reveals the fact that the representative program of festival has been selected, program name was closely related to festival theme, matrix type program and experiential type program where leads the direct participation of visitors were prerequisite, and the festivals with highly related to the theme were also highly evaluated. Therefore, in order for the festival to receive a good evaluation, the high theme-related programs should be focused as main programs of festivals, and the low theme-related programs should pay more attention on their themes for promoting and branding diverse, thematic festivals.
Festival Evaluation; Festival Theme; Festival Program; Festival-theme Realtion Charts;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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