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The Impact of Leader-Member Exchange(LMX) on Employees' Creativity, and Task Performance Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Information Sharing and Job Involvement  

Kim, Jeong-Sik (성균관대학교)
Yong, Seok-Hyun (성균관대학교)
Ryou, Ki-Dong (성균관대학교)
Sung, Young-Mok (성균관대학교)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of leader-member exchange(LMX) on employees' creativity, and task performance focusing on the mediating effect of information sharing and job involvement. Based on the review of related references, we suggested our research model and hypothesis and then tested empirically. From these analyses, we can find some significant findings. First, LMX has a positive impact on information sharing. Second, information sharing has a positive impact on job involvement, creativity, and task performance. Third, information sharing has significant mediating effects on the relationship between LMX and job involvement, creativity, and task performance. Fourth, job involvement also has significant mediating effects on the relationship between information sharing and creativity and task performance. These results showed that information sharing and job involvement played their role as a meaningful mediator.
Leader-Member Exchange(LMX); Information Sharing; Creativity; Task Performance; Job Involvement;
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