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Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Self-Determination Group Program for Children with Disabilities  

Park, Jung-Im (서일대학교 사회복지학과)
Publication Information
This study was to examine the effectiveness of Self-Determination Group Program for children with disabilities in Korea by using method of meta-analysis. For the purpose of the study, master's theses, doctoral dissertations, and journal articles published in Korea up to June, 2017 were systematically reviewed. As a result, a total of 17 studies were eligible for the inclusion criteria. The mean effect sizes and test for homogeneity of effect size(Q-statistic) were analyzed by using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software 2.0. The main findings of the study were as follows. First, the average effect sizes for Self-Determination Group Program were ES=1.695 of Self-Determination, ES= 1.316 of Social Skills. Second, the moderate variables of the effect size for Self-Determination Group Program was 'age' of 'a type of disability', 'sessions', 'the number of sessions within a week', 'time of one session' and 'a major of the director'. Based on the study results, the research and practice implications were discussed.
Children with Disabilities; Self-Determination Group Program; Meta-analysis;
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  • Reference
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