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The Effects of Parenting and Peers on Pornography Media Engagement  

Yang, Sook-Ja (신라대학교 사회복지학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of parenting and peers on youth engagement to pornography media, the fourth year data of the fourth-grade panel (first year at middle school) and the fourth-year data of the eighth-grade panel (first year at high school) were analyzed. The number of cases investigated for this panel study were 2,378 subjects among the fourth-year panel of the fourth grade and 2,361 subjects among the fourth-year panel of middle schoolers. But this study, the total of 720 subjects that the response were made in the pornography items are analyzed. The result of this study reveals that male students were more likely to be addicted to pornography than female students. Also, inconsistency and excessive intervention among the parenting attitudes and peer attachment and numbers of delinquent friens among the peer factors were shown to have influence on youth addiction to pornography. Based on such results, a proposal that a plan to increase the parental education and strengthen peer relationships is important ahead of the Controlled intervention in the meantime was made.
Peer Factors; Parenting; Pornography Media Engagement; Korean Child.Youth Panel Survey Data;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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