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The Current Status and Implications of Disaster Management System and Psychological Support System in Disaster Response in Japan  

Lee, Dong-Hun (성균관대학교 교육학과)
Kim, Jiyoon (성균관대학교 교육학과)
Kang, Hyun-Suk (성균관대학교 교육학과)
Lee, Hye-Rim (성균관대학교 교육학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to contribute to developing psychological support system in disaster response of South Korea by examining that of Japan. Psychosocial support from the Red Cross with the psychiatric support by the DPAT from local government were achieved in the early stage of disaster psychology support system in Japan. In the long term intervention after disaster, psychiatric support from Kokoro-no care center has been established. In other words, not only traditional mental health approach but also disaster psychology support activities including psychosocial support are deployed. National Information Center of Disaster Mental Health, which is control tower of disaster psychology support, understand the disaster in the level of nationwide through collecting and analyzing the data related to disaster, and manage disaster psychological support activities. Disaster psychology support system in Japan modified problems immediately during large scale disaster that they are equipped with state of the current. Implications for disaster psychological support system and crisis counseling program in South Korea are discussed.
Japan; Disaster Management; Disaster Psychological Support System; Disaster Psychiatric Assistance Team(DPAT); Disaster Mental Health Information Support System(DMHISS); Kokoro-no Care Center;
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