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An Empirical study on Relationship between the Entrepreneurship of Undergraduate Student and Entrepreneurial Intention: Focused on the Motivation for Participating in the Start-up Idea Contest as a Mediator  

Kim, Jung-Gon (호서대학교 벤처대학원 벤처경영학과)
Yang, Dong-Woo (호서대학교 벤처대학원 벤처경영학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the entrepreneurship of undergraduate students and the entrepreneurial intention focused on the mediating effect of the motivation for participating in the start-up idea contest. The results of the study were as followed; First, it was found that the factors of innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking in the entrepreneurship had significant influence on the entrepreneurial intention. Second, the effect of the factors between the innovativeness in the entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial intention was significant influence by mediating effect of the motivation for participating in the start-up idea contest. Last, the factors of financial reward, career reward of the motivation were not effected by entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention. Based on these findings, students with high entrepreneurship have high entrepreneurial intention. And students were intended to feel a sense of achievement through challenging than getting financial rewards and career rewards. Therefore, it was shown that in order to encourage undergraduate's establish of a new business, the environment to develop innovative ideas and inspiring the confidence of participating in the start-up contest are needed to be invigorated.
Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Intention; Start-up Idea Contest;
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  • Reference
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