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The Effect of ROKAF Officer's Job Satisfaction and Psychological Well-being on their Self-leadership  

Jang, Sung-Hwa (공군사관학교 인문학과)
Lee, Sang-Chul (공군리더십센터)
Ham, Seong-Soo (공군사관학교 인문학과)
Publication Information
This research examines the relationships and effects among ROKAF officer's job satisfaction and psychological well-being and their self-leadership. Multiple regressions were conducted using 211 data. Results are as follows. First, Job satisfaction, psychological well-being and self-leadership were significantly positively correlated with each other. Second, as for the effects of subordinate factors among job satisfaction and psychological well-being on the subordinate factors of self-leadership, personal growth and controling environment of psychological well-being and administration of job satisfaction influenced self-expectation of self-leadership. For the self-reward of self-leadership, personal growth, meaning of life and autonomy of psychological well-being and relationship and reward system of job satisfaction influenced it. Finally, as for the effects of subordinate factors among job satisfaction and psychological well-being on self-leadership, administration and relationship of job satisfaction and personal growth, meaning of life and autonomy of psychological well-being influenced it. Finally implications and limitations of this research are discussed.
ROKAF Officer; Job Satisfaction; Psychological Well-being; Self-leadership;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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