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Influence Analysis of Investor Preference for Investment Satisfaction Degree on Decision Making of Real Estate Investment  

Paek, Jun-Seok (한양대학교 도시대학원 도시개발경영.교통학과)
Kim, Gu-Hoi (한양대학교 도시대학원 도시개발경영.교통학과)
Lee, Joo-Hyung (한양대학교 도시대학원 도시개발경영.교통학과)
Publication Information
Then, it investigated the investment preference through the previous studies to analyze the influence factor of investment satisfaction and demonstrated the effects through the PLS (Partial Least Squares) regression. In addition, it separated the target type to institutional investors and retail investors and carried out the survey for comparing the investment preference of investor type. The result of analysis found out that institutional investors emphasis on investment preference such as the Inflation hedge, Early payback, Financial stability, Leverage risk and etc. Then, general investors emphasis on investment preference such as the Rental income, Facilities and Equipment, Business area and population, Ease of use, Leverage risk, Early payback and etc. In addition, common investment preferences are the Leverage risk, Early payback and Facility accessibility.
Real Estate Investment; Investment Preference; Investment Satisfaction; Investment Behavioral Factors; Real Estate Characteristic Factors;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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