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The Influence of Public Diplomacy with Social Media on Country Image and Country Brands -Focusing on Cultural Contents-  

Choi, Yong-Seok (중앙대학교)
Kim, Hyo-Mi (중앙대학교)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study was to examine whether or not social media could have influence upon diplomatic activities and become effective means of diplomatic communication, focusing on the communication channel of public diplomacy. Study subjects were 301 foreigners from 42 countries in 7 continents, and influencing relationship among the fondness of social media-utilized public diplomacy cultural contents, country images and country brands was examined, together with its effectiveness. The results attained are as follows: First, all independent variable except interactivity and immediacy had significant influencing relationship with the fondness of public diplomacy cultural contents. Second, the fondness of public diplomacy cultural contents had significant influence upon country images, whereas country images had significant influence upon the fondness of country brands and the loyalty of country brands. Based on study findings, the influence of social media as effective means of communication of public of diplomacy policy in the 21st century was confirmed. In addition, This study contribute to expansion of public diplomacy research area from pre-exisiting study and provide basic information to future activities.
Public Diplomacy; Cultural Diplomacy; Social Media; Attraction; National Image; National Brand;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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