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The Impact of Employee's Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Burnout: Role of Psychological Need Satisfaction and Psychological Capital  

Seo, Dong-Taek (경희대학교 국제경영대학원)
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Perceptions of organizational politics(POPs) have stress-based effect as job demand and lead to employee's negative attitudes and behaviors. According to job demand resource model, burnout develops when high job demand deplete employee's resources, which lead employees to low levels of motivation and high levels of cynicism and frustration. Currently, in studying the relationship between POPs and burnout there is a lack of researches on certain settings and conditions. The present study examined a model in which relationship between POPs and burnout was mediated by psychological need satisfaction. And also, this study tested moderating role of psychological capital between POPs and need satisfaction. A total of 220 employees in telco and electronic manufacturing company in South Korea participated in this study. The result of this study showed that need satisfaction works as mediating variable between POPs and burnout and psychological capital had moderating effect between POPs and need satisfaction. This study proposes a new framework of POPs by examining linking mechanism of need satisfaction and psychological capital. The results of this study provide practical insight to HR practitioners and business leaders.
Perceptions of Organizational Politics; Job Burnout; Psychological Need Satisfaction; Psychological Capital;
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