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A Study Based on Quantifying Theory for a Non-fiction Creation Tool : Focus on Comparative Analysis of and  

Lyou, Chul-gyun (이화여자대학교 융합콘텐츠학과)
Park, Eun-kyung (이화여자대학교 융합콘텐츠학과)
Publication Information
This paper points out that the existing digital story creation tools are biased in the field of entertainment storytelling, so it proposes a specialized tool for non-fiction creation. This paper selects Quantifying Theory to design this tool. When creating nonfiction storyline, it is important to have the appropriate combination between the actual events and fictional elements. A Gossip System, based on Quantifying Theory, is suitable for that work. Before designing a Gossip System as a nonfiction creation tool, this analysis evaluated that the Gossip System in and . As a result, the linked structure in is useful in searching for material for non-fiction creation, and the separated structure in is ideal for arranging dramatic events. This paper proposed a method of switching the fact to fiction through a combination of this two Gossip System structure. I conclude that this is the best method for non-fiction creation tool.
Digital Storytelling; Non-fiction; Creation Tool; Thought Office; Storyhelper;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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