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A Proposal of Media Exhibition Contents for the Aquarium - Focused on 'Gyeongpo Lagoon Ecological Museum'  

You, Mi (서울예술대학교 영상학부)
Woo, Jeonggueon (단국대학교 영화콘텐츠전문대학원)
Publication Information
In this paper, we propose digital exhibition contents for the aquarium, especially 'Gyeongpo Lagoon Ecological Museum'. We try to plan appropriate media contents that can be mixed with the aquarium storytelling. The aquarium must have special spaces that are not related with an exhibition directly but are necessary for survival of fishes such as a water circulation room. We design the special spaces using media contents and let visitors feel that the whole aquarium is in the ocean. First of all, we investigate the aquarium currently under construction. And then, we propose the appreciate media platforms and plan individual content. We suggest 3 types of media platforms, 3D water projection, interactive games utilizing Kinect, and a fog screen. Moreover, we produce 2D drawing concepts, 3D modeling images, and virtual exhibitions in virtual reality for the representation of the location in which those platforms are installed and the media contents we plan. The pre-visualization is helpful for the media platform construction and is used as a rough sketch to producing an animation shown in the exhibition.
Aquarium; Media Exhibition Content; Gyeongpo Lagoon Ecological Museum;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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