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The Stories of Pre-service Childcare Teachers' Practicum Experiences : Focusing on pre-service Childcare Teacher Training Centers  

Lim, Kyung-Ok (수원여자대학교 사회복지과)
Publication Information
This study attempted to analyze the practicum experiences of pre-service childcare teachers (level 3) and their meaning and set a direction for efficient childcare practicum for the level 3 childcare teachers. For this, 16 trainees from 'P' Pre-service Childcare Teacher Training Center and 'S' Pre-service Childcare Teacher Training Center in Gyeonggi-do were investigated, and there was an interview with them for qualitative analysis. The study results found the followings: This study is showed that child care and teaching practice is the difficulty of training institutions selected, lack of preparation exercise, disagreement between training courses and related field, the stress of exercise, difficulties in infants teaching and experience the reality in the field. In terms of the meaning of childcare practicum, it helped the pre-service childcare teachers set their career path and establish values. In addition, it was helpful in building practical knowledge. In addition, there was a discussion on how to operate the childcare practicum in a well-organized and systematic manner, focusing on the derived topics.
Pre-service Childcare Teachers; Childcare Practicum; Qualitative Analysis;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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