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Difference of Collaboration·Empathy Skill and Adaptation of School Life according to School Bullying Types  

Park, Wan-Sung (삼육대학교 교양교직학부)
Jeong, Goo-Churl (삼육대학교 상담심리학과)
Publication Information
This research was conducted to analyze the relationship among school bullying types, collaboration empathy skills, and adaptation of school life. A survey was conducted for the research, and asked 213 adolescents in middle and high schools in capital area(middle school: 106, high school: 107). Data Analysis was used a two-step cluster analysis to classify the type of bullying, explanation of a prediction variable according to the groups were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression analysis. The results of analysis of the research are as in the following. First, experience of afflicting or suffering from school bullying had negative correlation with collaboration empathy skills, and also with school life adaptation. Secondly, assailant group and victim group of school bullying was related to the lack of collaboration skill, and also related with empathy skill. Thirdly, collaboration empathy skills was influential factor on the adaptation of school life. Based on the results, collaboration empathy skills reduce the experience of bullying, and have a positive impact on the adaptation of school life. It confirmed the need for a social skills training program and discussed the implications.
School Bullying; Collaboration; Empathy; Adaptation of School Life; Adolescents;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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