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A Study on Compensation of Land according to the Spatial Properties -In case Compensation of Public Housing District-  

Moon, Jae-Hyeok (한양대학교 도시대학원)
Lee, Myeong-Hun (한양대학교 도시대학원)
Publication Information
In order to supply the residential land for the promotion of public welfare, it must take a land of city suburb. That land have the difference in thinking is large for the determination of land prices to a variety of development pressure and land use regulations. In the process of executing a public project, the difference of these ideas has become a cause of conflict. Therefore, through objective study for the determination of land prices, to reduce the difference of ideas is going to be a clue of conflict resolution. This study selected the case area that is typical public district of many conflict, and then fix a compensation unit price like fair price as dependent variable. The selected variables through previous studies and expert consultation was an independent variable. To analyze the impact factors of land prices in the hedonic price model. The results were analyzed by distinguishing the group on the basis of the zoning and using, whether or not the site of the building in part that there is influence variable, the aspects of accessibility and regulation in part degree of influence variable came out different results for each group. It is analyzed that it reasonable results. Add selected site assimilation of the building that have not been presented in previous studies as a variable and which was applied at a rate to a variable of road have improved in more expliction of the influence of variables.
Compensation; Conflict Resolution; Determinations of Land Price; Hedonic Price Model; Public Housing District;
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  • Reference
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