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Plan for Increasing the Analysis and Understanding Skills of Literary Works based on Systems Thinking Technique  

Kim, Hun-Hee (진주보건대학교 간호학부)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to explore plan for increasing the analysis and understanding skills of literary works by using systemic thinking technique. This study used a literatures analysis method. The concrete study contents are as follows; First, it is centered on presenting values of literary education through analysing fairy tales conditions in Korean textbooks in relation to national curriculum for elementary and middle school. Second, it is to explore the features of systemic thinking technique. Third, it is to draw the instruction design model and application. Main expected effects of this study are breakaway from habitual routine, developing comprehensive and logical thinking ability, expanding fancy and imagination, cultivating innovative problem solving skill, inducing interest in literature, and increasing linguistic skills. That is, it is to be effective instruction strategy to enhance creativity and to cultivate character in classroom.
TRZ; Systems Thinking; Literature Education; Fairy Tales; Creativity;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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