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A study on Determinant Factors of Preferred elderly Housing based on Location among Preliminary Elders  

Kim, Chang-Gon (한양대학교 도시대학원 도시개발경영.교통학과)
Won, You-Ho (한양대학교 도시대학원 도시개발경영.교통학과)
Lee, Joo-Hyung (한양대학교 도시대학원 도시개발경영.교통학과)
Publication Information
This study aims to draw a Housing development scheme of elderly housing, including the urban, suburban and resort type according to location type, which is based on a Demanding Characteristics of preliminary elderly for elderly housing. In addition, The comprehensive implication tells that the preliminary elderly who wants the urban elderly housing type have a more personal characteristics than other types. So it should be considered according to personal characteristics. Next, when we choose the suburban elderly housing type and predict the demand for housing development, it should not only considers factors such as the Unmarried children, Health status, Current housing size and Plans for economic activity in old age but also considers factors such as the Accessibility, Convenience, Investment and Environment characteristics of elderly housing preference. Next, when we choose the resort elderly housing type which based on the fact that a few detailed parameters of current housing characteristics exist, it should be based on the current housing characteristics of preliminary elderly. In addition, it should consider a pre-investigation for elderly housing preference in order to select the housing type. Because a comprehensive preference such as the comfort, convenience, safety, investment, environmental characteristics is considered as major determinants factors.
Binary Logistic Regression; Urban Type; Suburban Type; Rural Type; the Elderly Housing;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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