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Strategy for Paid Digital Contents after the Advent of N-screen Era: Focused on News-contents Business Models of Foreign Newspaper Companies  

Kim, Daewon (고려대학교 미디어학부)
Woo, Hyejin (고려대학교 미디어학부)
Kim, Seongcheol (고려대학교 미디어학부)
Publication Information
The study investigated the N-Screen strategies of paid digital contents of foreign newspapers belonging to advanced companies: USA, United Kingdom, and Japan. This research employed the time to launch paid digital content business, whether or not to segment market, and 4p marketing mix strategies for analyzing the strategies. The results show that the strategies, starting around the year 2000, had experience chasm, and then revived since the year 2010, when the penetration rate of mobile devices proliferated. Most newspapers still supply contents under the assumption that they paly in a mass market. The items of paid digital contents are mainly composed of e-paper and digital contents. Regarding the price strategy, soft paywall and combination paywall are largely used. Distribution strategy is subject to whether or not to discriminate the path of digital contents. As for promotion strategy, bundling strategy with newspaper is mostly utilized. The difference between western countries and Japan was found in term of the free trial service.
N-Screen; Foreign Newspaper; Strategy; Paid Digital Contents; Case Study; 4P Marketing Mix Strategy;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 7  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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