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Effects of Spouse Bereavement in Old Age on Emotion and Social Interaction  

Son, Jong Mi (서울벤처대학원대학교 사회복지상담학과)
Byun, Sang-Hae (서울벤처대학원대학교 사회복지상담학과)
Publication Information
This study was carried out as a preliminary study to analyze how emotion(depression and anxiety) after spouse bereavement in old age affects social interaction and to set a direction of developing programs based on the cause and period of bereavement to promote social interaction for those bereaved people. To that end, welfare facilities and schools for the elderly and churches located in Seoul, and Suwon and Osan areas were visited and surveys were executed on 350 aged people who had experienced spouse bereavement from September 26 through October 25, 2014. Analysis was executed for 325 questionnaires out of the total of 350 using SPSS WIN 20. Study findings are as follows: first, the average of emotion and social interaction due to bereavement was not significantly different between groups; second, the average of emotion and social interaction due to bereavement period was not significantly different between groups; third, the impact of bereavement type and period statistically significant. These findings implies that social interaction programs for the aged people can be developed regardless of bereavement cause or period.
Emotion; Old Age; Social Interaction; Spouse Bereavement;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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