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A Technical Approach to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Sewol Ferry Victims' Parents  

Park, Gi-Muk (한양대학교 신문방송학과/CBS노컷뉴스)
Publication Information
It has been 1 year since Sewol Ferry disaster occurred in the Gwanmaedo sea of Jindo, Jeollanamdo, on Apr. 16, 2014. The Sewol Ferry Disaster which took 304 lives and had some victims still missed has become the largest tragic accident in Korea since 2010. Although one year has passed since the disaster, there is no psychological communication research on the trauma of the victims' families. This study first investigated the actual state of the Sewol Ferry victims' parents suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after their losses of children by the disaster. This study revealed that the victims' families suffer from physical and psychological the PTSD but neglect treatment. The PTSD still influences their daily life. It was observed that the victims' families have a lot of difficulties with interpersonal relationship, relationship with co-workers, residence, values, and other kinds of daily life. Given that the victims' families have a great deal of PTSD after the disaster, the academic circle needs to make discussions of the issue actively in order to heal the pains of the Sewol Ferry victims' families who are unattended in our society.
Sewol Ferry Disaster; Post-traumatic Stress Disorder; Trauma; Disaster News Reports;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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