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Research of Errors in Photo Materials in Korean History Textbooks for High School  

Park, Jun Hyung (상명대학교 대학원 디지털이미지학과)
Yang, Jong Hoon (상명대학교 대학원 디지털이미지학과)
Publication Information
The Korean history textbook is a basic teaching material for learning history. Students learn the past and also understand history through Korean history textbooks. The Korean history textbooks are comprised of educational materials arousing students' interest. What is helpful to education in the visual form is photo materials. As visual data, such photo materials play roles not only in arousing students' interest more than texts filled with writings, but also in making students experience history of the time indirectly in more objective form. Since such photo materials are playing essential roles in Korean history textbooks, if photos with errors are used, it can create huge confusion. This study analyzed the reliability and suitability of photo materials in eight Korean history textbooks of high school, depending on each type of photo. Then it suggested the measures of composing photo materials in Korean history textbooks revised in the future. The future textbooks will contain more amount of photo materials with the higher weight of photo materials.
Korean History Textbook; Photojournalism;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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