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Design of Edutainment Contents Using Motion Recognition for Enhancing Sociability and Visual Perception of Children  

Park, Yoon (한독미디어대학원대학교 뉴미디어학부)
Yang, Janghoon (한독미디어대학원대학교 뉴미디어학부)
Publication Information
With progress in emerging new media technology and associated device, there is growing interest in a new type of contents in the filed of children education. In this research, we developed a edutainment content for enhancing sociability and visual perception of children exploiting kinect. Recreating what is visually perceived with physical movement is adopted to develop visual perception. It is also designed such that one's sociability can be enhanced through experiencing natural physical contact and collaboration while interacting with the developed content. The prototype of the content was created through development of character to boost interest, a short animation for storytelling, and interactive programming. In the second pilot test which was done with the content improved through the first pilot test, it was observed that children easily played with it and actively participated in experiencing it. From this observation, it is expected that the developed content may work as a promising edutainment content which fosters children to enhance visual perception and sociability through natural interaction.
Visual Perception; Sociability; Early Childhood Education; KINECT; Edutainment Contents;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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