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Analysis of the Relationships among Fun, the Learning Satisfaction, and the Flow in Social Service Personnel Job Training Education  

Lee, Seung-Hoon (건국대학교 교육공학과)
Yu, Byeong-Min (건국대학교 교육공학과)
Publication Information
'Fun' may be a basic desire of all human beings, but studies that combine both education and enjoyment were very limited, with the exception of the sports and games subjects. As a result, this study focused on the fun induced from the actual site of education, beginning under the premise that this can increase the effectiveness of education. In particular, it has been concluded that more fun is especially required in compulsory education that disregards one's opinion, with the Social Service Personnel that are required to undergo two weeks of compulsory job training selected as the test subjects. In order to comprehend how the 'fun factor' from the Social Service Personnel' job training influences the educational effectiveness, the causal relationship between learning flow, group flow and learning satisfaction has been proven using the structural equation model. Through this, the median between fun and education was found, as well as whether fun education has an actual effect on educational effectiveness. In addition, it is an opportuniy to emphasise the need for enjoyable education for not just Social Service Personnel, but for all involuntary learners.
Fun; Learning Flow; Group Flow; Learning Satisfaction; Social Service Personnel' job Training;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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