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Discussion for Securing Self-Reliant Finance of Local Government Using Public Data  

Seo, Hyung-Jun (인하대학교 글로벌 e거버넌스학과)
Publication Information
Because the local governments has closet contact for public services compared to central government, their role is important in the age when welfare issue is more important than before. So Local Public Finance being important than ever, but regrettably local financial issues related to the mostly negative. In particular, many local government face problem of local fiscal independence, as a result, they have hard time to secure financial resources. Reliant local finance by central government can be alternative, however, it causes negative effect for autonomous management of local finance and fiscal soundness. In this study, public data by public institutions is suggested as solution to secure financial resources. Although, utilization of public data is initial level, this paper deal with exploratory discussion for public data as self-reliant local finance with validity and suggestions.
Local Government; Local Finance; Self-reliant Finance; Public Data;
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