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Comparative Review on the Introduction and Operation of Salary Peak System -Focusing on Korea and Japan-  

Noh, Jae-Chul (호서대학교)
Publication Information
In this study, it has an intention of arranging an implication based on an effective introduction of a wage peak system in Japan to settle a mandatory retirement at sixty according to a legalization of retirement age at sixty smoothly. Institutionally, retirement age guaranteed type that reduces wage from certain period before retirement is of great importance. In Japan, mainly features the extension of retirement age that focus on keeping aged employment after retirement. In the introduction of the wage peak system, Korea attaches importance to the wage cost savings, but Japan puts emphasis on using aging workforce. Korea wants to promote the aged employment for retirement age at 60, whereas Japan actively push ahead with retirement age 65 and after that time. South Korea needs to reinforce the pensionable age and the connection though the extension of retirement age via the manpower utilization, employment promotion and the stability. It is necessary to prepare a institutional plan to try not to make a gap of the pensions by guaranteeing or extending the retirement age connect to the age of pensioners though the wage peak system. To activate the wage peak system, it is necessary to acknowledge a legal improvement that concedes rational changes such as the rule of employment. An active interpretation is needed currently though, it is more necessary to review the stipulation and the rational changes of the rule of employment that is established by a precedent like the Japanese legislation case. When a disadvantageous change of works rules is made, it is able to consider establishing the provision in the Act on age Discrimination Prohibition in Employment and Aged Employment Promotion, therefore it won't be able to apply the regulation in the rational criterion that satisfies the standards, rather than amending a Article 94 of the Labor Standards Act that makes accepting the approval of the majority of workers.
Wages System; Wage Peak System; Employment Rules; Labor Standard Act; Aged Employment; Act on Age Discrimination Prohibition in Employment and Aged Employment Promotion;
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  • Reference
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