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Study on the Systems and Structures of Writing for Television Dramas and Movies in Korea -Focusing on its Characteristics and Problems  

Lee, Sang-Bum (중앙대학교 첨단영상대학원 영상정책 및 기획)
Publication Information
This study looks into the differences between the two different genres of dramatic renditions on film- television dramas and movies, by studying the respective characteristics of screenplays for television and movies, and comparing the disparity in status between the powerful television drama writer and the powerless movie screenwriters as well as actual power structures within the Korean media industry. It explores the intensifying problems of high cost drama productions and poor treatment of screenwriters, as well as established practices in the movie and television industries so as to analyze problems comprehensively and seek balanced growth within these industries. The Hollywood screenwriting system is taken as a point of comparison in seeking solutions and exploring the direction that Korean film and television industries should take in the future.
Television Drama Writers; Movie Screenwriters; Status of Writers; Hollywood; Screen Industry;
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  • Reference
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