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Redesign of A College Educational Curriculum Based on National Competency Standards  

Oh, Man-Deok (동아방송예술대학교 광고제작과)
Lee, Seung-Hee (동아방송예술대학교 뉴미디어콘텐츠과.공통기초학부)
Publication Information
The introduction and application of NCS(National Competency Standards) into college education seeks for competency-based human resource development and management, which targets what to do rather than what to know in terms of employees' performing jobs, duties and tasks in their work environments. The focus of the study is to redesign an educational curriculum of the field of Advertising Production for college students from a perspective of NCS. The field of Advertising Production related competency unit groups, competency units and competency elements were selected followed by the process of developing the curriculum. Using survey questionnaires and FGIs, data were collected from advertising industry experts, field practitioners and college students. The redesigned NCS-based curriculum is expected to link college education into industrial needs for human resources and thus to enhance the quality of college education.
NCS; College Education; Field of Advertising Production; Curriculum;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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