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On the Real Variety Show since "Infinite Challenges": A Study of its Expandability and Comparison with Traditional Theatrical Performances  

Kim, Jin-Seob (동국대학교 만해마을캠퍼스 교육원)
Publication Information
The variety show has expanded as a contemporary genre of popular culture since it first appeared as the Industrial Revolution allowed the public to enjoy their leisure time. In Korea, it has developed itself in similar ways, but it also has been criticized as low-brow. Recently, however, the real variety show has caught great attention as one of the social phenomena and is winning fervent responses from general publics as it is not consumed as a kind of entertainment show but is establishing its form and style as Korean real variety show. On the basis of these features, this paper focuses on the characteristics of real variety show as openness and expandability which can be found in the pre-modern Korea's traditional theatrical performances. Quite different from the cases in the Western culture, the Korean traditional theatrical performances used to set a stage up around the living space, attract audience to willingly approach the stage and participate in the theatre, and let them enjoy their participation. At the same time, however, The perfection of the shows had not been missed. And in comparison with the traditional theatrical performances, the present real variety show reveals the anticipation that the real variety show will not settle down just as a certain format or a genre, but accumulate its abundant contents and continue its new attempts and changes.
Real Variety Shows; The Korean Style Real Variety Shows; Leisure Culture; Popular Culture; Traditional Theatrical erformances;
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