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User Experience(UX) of Facebook: Focusing on Users' Eye Movement Pattern and Advertising Contents  

Kim, Tae-Yang (성균관대학교 인터랙션사이언스학과)
Shin, Dong-Hee (성균관대학교 인터랙션사이언스학과)
Publication Information
This study examines subjects' eye movement pattern and surveys their attitudes to the exposed advertisements on the Facebook. Different from the F-shaped pattern of the typical Web pages, users' eye movements on the Facebook have shown a rough H-shape. Even though a large number of users have shown F-shaped pattern on the ordinary Web pages in order to skip the contents of a Web, subjects' eye-movement pattern on the Facebook has H -shaped pattern due to the unique User Interface (UI) of the Facebook. With the right side and vertical arrangement of ads on the Facebook, users skip the page with having a large H-shaped pattern. In addition, this study set four AOIs(Area of Interest) that are advertising sections comprised on the Facebook Web page and measured fixation length within the AOIs then surveyed subjects' attitudes about the exposed ads. Through the experiment and survey, this study offers the optimum advertising position that can attract Facebook users' attention. As the result of experiment and survey, the second ad has the subjects' highest attitude to advertising and fourth ad is the next effectiveness and first and third ad followed. This study highlights the key implications to provide better user experiences(UX) and marketing strategies to users who are the consumers of companies and organizations which have a plan to put their advertising on the Facebook.
Social Media; Facebook; UX; UI; Eye-tracker; H-shape; AOI(Area of Interest);
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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