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Love Stories in Korean TV Series which are popular in Japan: Comparison between Love Stories in Korean TV Series and Japanese TV Series  

Nago, Mari (경희대학교 호텔관광대 문화콘텐츠학과)
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In recent years, the number of love stories in Japanese TV series are decreasing. Comparing this with Korean popular TV series in Japan, it was found that Korean TV series have the following differences. In the Japanese series, the main characters were mostly from common origin. The conflicts within each relationship stage illustrated the conflicts between characters and their surroundings, as well as the conflicts which commonly arise in real life, that with the self. Confessions of love in the Japanese series used simpler expressions. Some couples did not even say "I love you". Further, when love was threatened, rarely was deep attachment shown. There were even cases where the main characters did not end up as a couple. On the other hand, there often existed a class difference between the male and female main characters in the Korean series and conflicts mostly arose from differences of environment, illness, love rivals, and etc. Every couple verbally confessed their love and they used more passionate expressions of love than in the Japanese series, and when love was threatened no man backed down and each showed his deep attachment. Finally, there were happy endings for everyone even after the many complications.
TV Series; Korean Series; Love Stories; Korean Best Series Awards; Comparison between Korea and Japan;
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  • Reference
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