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The Aspect of Disaster and Aesthetic Cultivation in Film  

Han, Young-Kyun (성균관대학교 동양철학과)
Publication Information
The negative influence by disaster on human's life could be so tremendous. I like to give attention to the disaster, considerable many cases, that disaster was used as stimulation or motivation for artist's creativity, especially in the film among various art activities. The reason I focus on disaster through art activities is disaster is closely related to human's daily life and also aesthetic consciousness. I like to look into the flood disasters' appearances described in the both films, and and the people's aesthetic consciousness expressed from the flood disasters. In the traditional education of the East. 'cultivation' has been used as the meaning of self education which develops mostly one's personality by doing self practice, and self insight meditation. And In the modern western education, cultivation has been identified as the meaning of unique mission, that each human being expresses one's own individuality, that is personality, progressively. I think 'the aesthetic ' already immanence in human's mind. Analysis for The beauty of Kant is also starts from special nature, delightfulness. The aesthetic doesn't appears in sight easely because it always exists in one's bottom of heart like mist. That's the reason we try to reach to the aesthetic through the medium, that's art. Human can achieve aesthetic cultivation which reaches to the aesthetic by having lot of events and experiences in the process.
Aesthetic; Aesthetic Cultivation; Self Education; Film; Pleasure Delightfulness;
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  • Reference
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