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Effects of Social Support on the Relationships between Perceived Stress and Psychological Burnout of Suicide Prevention Counselor  

Lee, Mi-Rim (배재대학교)
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships of Perceived stress, Social Support and Psychological burnout of Suicide Prevention Counselors. The subjects for this study were 132 Suicide Prevention Counselors. The data was conducted by using a correlations coefficient and the multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were as follows: First, correlations among variables of Perceived Stress and Social Support on subordinate variable of Psychological burnout of Suicide Prevention Counselors were significant. Second, Perceived Stress and Social Support have a significant influence on Psychological burnout of Suicide Prevention Counselors. Third, Social Support showed mediating effects between Stress and Psychological burnout. According to the results of this study, in order to reduce Perceived Stress and Psychological burnout of Suicide Prevention Counselors, we suggested that we would be required to receive Social Support of Suicide Prevention Counselors.
Suicide Prevention Counselor; Perceived Stress; Psychological Burnout; Social Support;
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