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Identity of Jainichi-Korean Diaspora as a Marginal Man After the Division of the Korean Peninsula  

Lee, Myung-Ja (목원대학교 영화영상학부)
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This paper analyzes director Yang Yong-hi's documentary films "Dear Pyongyang"(2006), "Goodbye, Pyongyang"(2009) and her fiction film "Our Homeland"(2012). These films were produced on the base of the director's autobiographical experience, and raise issue of Jainichi-Korean diaspora who be caught in nation-state; North Korea, South Korea and Japan. With the family narratives crossing Jeju, Osaka, and Pyongyang, these films doubt boundaries be set by nation-state, and seek new breakout space. This paper traces restructuring identity in the tensional heterogeneity of nation-state exaction; Integration, unity, uniform education. In conclusion, these films foresee Korean diaspora's future identity from hybrid identities. It shows Korean diaspora's potential of receptivity, openness and solidarity which are required for Northeast Asian peace and the solution of two Korea's hostility.
Division; Jainichi-Korean Diaspora; Nation-State; Identity; Marginal Man; National Commonality;
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  • Reference
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