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and Historical Allegory  

Han, Sang-Eon (한양대학교 연극영화과)
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2000s Korean cinema was influenced by capital, so it chose the way of Allegory instead of talking directly about sensitive issues. A representative movie director is Park Chan Wook who directed The Vengeance Trilogy. , The final part of Park Chan Wook's The Vengeance Trilogy, reflected Baroque Aesthetics. I analyzed focusing on Walter Benjamin's Allegory notion in this paper. Walter Benjamin said Allegory is different from a symbol which is represented by totality. Allegory means to reconstruct the fragment instinctively and to expose something repressed. The German Tragic Drama during the baroque period reflects this well. It is my argument that Park Chan Wook incorporated these underlying themes from German Tragic Drama into . He deconstructed the liberation and the birth myth of a nation, and he restored the socialist and anarchist who were completely excluded from history.
; Park Chan Wook; The Vengeance Trilogy; Allegory; German Tragic Drama;
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  • Reference
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