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Development of Measurement Standard Scale for Festival Basic Quality(BASICQUAL)  

Maeng, Hae-Yeong (경상대학교 경영학과)
Jang, Hyeong-Yu (경상대학교 경영학과, 경영경제연구소)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to develop the basic scales of festival quality. We conducted a content analysis in the discourse of KINDS(Korea Integrated News Database System) and derived five constituent factors, basic quality measures of local festivals through the extensive literature review. We named these qualities "Festival BASICQUAL" that is consist of Infrastructure, Connectedness, Passion, Theme, Culture. We conducted the empirical analysis for the participants in "Geumsan Insam Festival" to verify the "Festival BASICQUAL" As the result, Infrastructure, Connectedness, Culture affected positively on Festival Attachment among all BASICQUALs. However, Passion and Theme did not positively affected on the dependent variable. And then, Festival Attachment positively affected on Festival Satisfaction, while Festival Satisfaction also affected positively on Behavior Intention. This study developed the basic quality concerned with local festivals which is crucial fundamentals to quantify Festival BASICQUAL through empirical study. The proper applications and usage of these newly introduced local festival qualities enable to acquire the sustainable competitive advantage in local festival.
Local Festival; Festival BASICQUAL; Festival Attachment; Festival Satisfaction; Behavior Intention;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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