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Current Status and Problems of Support Polices and Legal Improvement Devices for the Aged Living Alone  

Noh, Jae-Chul (호서대학교)
Ko, Zoon-Ki (김해외국인력지원센터/동아대학교)
Publication Information
These days the aged have to live 30 or 40 years beyond the day they quit their day jobs. The quality of life for the elderly is a keen concern for the young people. We need to have a correct understanding of the age problem and the effort of a government or local government in order to bless the average life expectancy and not perceive it as a disaster. The number of the elderly living alone is increasing. Various types of support are needed to ensure that these people do not become socially isolated and are able to live alone. Supporting them includes activities to prevent social isolation that take their unique difficulties into consideration, which are different from the difficulties of supporting elderly people living with their families. In this research examined the current status of support activities for elderly people living alone and the unique difficulties involved in supporting them.
the Aged; Welfare of the Elderly Act; the Elderly Living Lone(senior citizens who live alone); Senior Citizens who Live Alone; the related Laws for Support Policy; Care for the Elderly;
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  • Reference
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