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The Analysis of Economic Contribution of Beauty Industry by Input-Output Table  

Lee, Yu-Bin (세종대학교 경제통상학과)
Jin, Yanjun (세종대학교 경제통상학과)
Bae, Ki-Hyung (세종대학교 경제통상학과)
Publication Information
The character industry is a high value-added industry, and is one of the strategic industries to be fostered. However, the character industry is struggling due to the lack of national consensus on the importance and value of the character industry. Therefore, in order to resolve this issue, the study used the character Input-Output Table of year 2009 of korea to analyze how much the character industry(Toys and games, Models and decorations) contributes to the national economy by measuring economic spreading effects of character industry on national economy. The results shows that character industry shows that production inducement coefficient is column 1.602, row 1.007, index of the sensitivity of dispersion is 0.543, Index of the power of dispersion is 0.864, value-added coefficient is 0.620, income inducement coefficient is 0.334, tax inducement coefficient is 0.066, employment inducement coefficient is 0.008.
Character; I-O Table; Industrial Linkage Effect;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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